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Multi-team Scrum Metrics & Retrospective

works with Jira Cloud



  • Partner Supported

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Key highlights of the appTrack, visualize, report and retrospect Scrum metrics (velocity, ...) or any team metric (OKR, KPI, SLA, ...) constructed via JQL

watch Multi-team Scrum Metrics & Retrospective video

Chart & compare any metrics b/ teams/periods

Compare pre-built metrics (Initial Scope, Final Scope, Completed Scope, Uncompleted Scope, Scope Completed Outside, Removed Scope, Unestimated Scope, Re-estimated Scope, Added Scope) & custom JQL metrics over any period.

Drill-down and inline retro of failed metrics

View each bar's content in table format and drill-down from higher-level (years, half-years, ..) to lower-level periods to define where issues come from. Choose the reasons for each issue and describe preventive actions.

Identify the reasons behind mediocre performance

Areas engineering should fix or executive team should allocate budget to improve quality, planning, ... or reduce risk. E.g., if execs give approval on buying more servers - how many more work items will a team deliver?

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Create an agile reporting dashboard with custom charts for analytics of sprint metrics over any periods:

  • Sprints
  • Months
  • Quarters
  • Half-years
  • Years

It can also be used as a timetracker for sprint tasks.


Generate retro reports for SAFe, LeSS, SoS, etc. teams to:

  • Compare groups of teams, e.g., Team 1 and Team 5 as one entity versus Team 3 and Team 4 as another.
  • Compare periods, e.g., 2024 vs 2023 for Team 1 and Team 5 combined.

and sumup the results in the form of an issue checklist like board.


Analyze the summary of metrics:

  • Dynamics between the current and previous periods.
  • % of a metric relative to Initial or Final Scope.
  • Average of metrics for the selected periods.


Fine-tune the metrics with the ability to:

  • Include issues of Removed Scope in the Uncompleted Scope and the Final Scope.
  • Exclude Duplicate Tickets.
  • Exclude issues with 'testing discovered' link.


The gadget has refined EazyBI features and killer features not found elsewhere.

Find detailed demo here


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Atlassian's privacy policy is not applicable to the use of this app. Please refer to the privacy policy provided by this app's partner.

Partner privacy policy

Security program

This app is not part of the Marketplace Bug Bounty program.

Integration permissions

Multi-team Scrum Metrics & Retrospective integrates with your Atlassian product

Version information

Version 5.3.0for Jira Cloud

Release date
Mar 8th 2025
Minor version update
Minor version update
Payment model
Paid via Atlassian
License type